Virginia Antitrust Law and Generative AI Webinar

Virginia Antitrust & Consumer Protection Laws and Generative AI


During this free CLE webinar, a panel of lawyers will discuss how existing antitrust and consumer protection laws can apply to Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) and what gaps remain.

GAI tools generate content, such as text, images, and videos, through learning patterns from data inputs and prompts, offering incredible efficiencies to consumers and businesses. At the same time, there is a good amount of anxiety about the potential harms GAI could give rise to. Policymakers, regulators, courts, and others are, across a range of contexts, exploring how existing laws in the Commonwealth of Virginia can address GAI, as well as whether new AI-specific law may be needed. Notably, Governor Glenn Youngkin has recently issued Executive Directive Number Five (2023) on AI addressing the critical role state government must play in ensuring effective oversight of novel AI technology.

Moderator: Brian Scarpelli, VSB Antitrust Section 


  • Caleb Williamson, ACT | The App Association
  • Elyse Dorsey, Antitrust & Competition Partner, Kirkland & Ellis LLP
  • Margaret Hu, Taylor Reveley Research Professor and Professor of Law & Director, Digital Democracy Lab, William & Mary Law School
Sponsored by the VSB Local Antitrust Law Section. This webinar CLE is seeking 1.0 hour of LIVE/Interactive credit (pending). The recording of the live program will be made available as an on-demand CLE.


2/29/2024 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Eastern Standard Time